Audio Engineering services are also available for recording, mixing, mastering, guitar/bass re-amping, or making custom profiles and IR’s per request. I don’t charge hourly, I charge a flat rate depending on the amount of material and the involvement in the process. For any inquiries on hardware, set up, booking, or more information on rates, contact us at


Titan Audio Project is a hobby that started before my time in Whitechapel and has gradually morphed in to an obsession and a career over the past 17 years. Aside from learning due to necessity, the job of being in a professional band has made the drive to learn even stronger and more attainable. Taking what could be considered a scientific approach towards every obstacle combined with tenured gut instinct and decisiveness, I try to bring you the best possible audio for your money. Whether it be Profiles, IR’s, Mixing, Mastering, Recording, or Re-amping, you can rest assured that you will get quality audio and sound you are pleased with.

Things to take into consideration if you are looking to book studio time:

  • Are you prepared? Is all the material written and ready to go or are we tying up loose ends in the studio?

  • Are we tracking with a BPM mapped out or none at all?

  • Do you have a good instruments and gear that is fit for use in the studio? Are they set up, intonated, and reliable? You are welcome to the studio’s gear as well.

  • Be sure to have enough changes of strings for bass and guitars to change for each song. If not every song, at least 70% of the songs.

  • Have your parts practiced and decently fleshed out. This will save us both time, but we will work until we get it right no matter what.

Things to consider if you want me to mix, master, or re-amp:

  • Tracks must be consolidated for mixing and named accordingly for each song. Don’t call the kick drum track “BD” in one song and then “KD” in another song. Abbreviations are fine and welcome, but try not to make them too vague.

  • Have the tracks consolidated to where they all start at the same point so the all line up.

  • If including tempo maps for BPM’s, put markers in the midi files to indicate the start and finish of the song.

  • DI’s for re-amps need to be recorded with good quality, cleanly edited with no pops and clean punches. I can only do so much if there is a bad edit or pops

  • Make sure DI’s for re-amps DO NOT CLIP. Honestly, having them a little lower in volume is fine.

  • If including midi for drums, please indicate which midi note is triggering which part of the drums set.

  • For mastering, I prefer 48K at 24bit .wav files. Preferably with the highest peaks being around -6db.

  • If you prefer mastering with stems, we will listen to the material and decide which stems would be beneficial to have for the mastering process.

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Whitechapel “Kin” Recording Session 10/2020

Omega Rage January 2021

Omega Rage January 2021

Death Etiquette Aug. 2021

Death Etiquette Aug. 2021